Saturday 16 January 2010

Taken more than I can chew

Hey people,

Sorry I haven't done any reviews or anything with this website.

I have been full to the rafters in terms of college commitments and work commitments.

So I will be doing stuff whenever I can

Speak soon.


Friday 8 January 2010

Happy Belated New Year

Yes, I know I am a week out. I want to wish everyone out there not just a great new year but a fantastic new decade.

Woah, how much occured in the noughties. A blog about that will be coming within the coming weeks.

Now, this is when my work kicks off. I start my last leg of college and I should be getting short stories on the web within a few months. A bulk release of these stories will occur ethier in March or June 2011.

On that note, I hope so far this new year and decade are going good.

Before I go the review of David Tennant's final farwell to Doctor Who will come very soon and my review of Thirty Seconds to Mars will come in Februray. What review for March I don't know yet.

Same again I will be back to this blog soon and hopefuly more regularly.

Bye for now.

Sam Harper

Thursday 24 December 2009

Merry Christmas

Hello there,

I am back for another brief blog. I just want to wish everyone out there a very Merry Christmas and hope you have a brilliant time tomorrow. Also don't get too drunk and don't eat too much. Ah forget it it is Christmas make anarchy.

My next post should be a day or two after tomorrow. If my brain can cope with the food and maybe the few dips of alcohol (If I am lucky).

As always I am waffling so I will be off.


SWH (That sounds like a postal code)

.... Did I remember to say Merry Christmas.

Tuesday 22 December 2009

Well... I have had a thought

As the title would suggest, I have had a thought.

Since I have placed my first post. It would be completely egotistical and extremely self centered if this whole blog was always about me.

So this blog will feature stuff about me but it will include pieces of completely uninformed journalistic reports and will also feature reviews of film, television and music any other medium which I have not stated. I hope all of the points I make in these reviews are short sharp and to the point.

My first review I suspect will either be about the new Thirty Seconds to Mars album "This is War" or the upcoming Christmas Episodes of Doctor Who entitled "The End of Time".

On that note I think I am really waffling and I suspect people who reads this blog will be bored out of their skulls so I shall depart for the time being.

Bye for now!

Monday 21 December 2009


Hello fellow blogspoters,

I know, I know it is a very weird time to set up a blog. Four days before another Festive filled Christmas approaches. Which infact this is my seventeenth Christmas. If you are currently reading my blog I really do thank you (however i think will only be a mere blip on blogspots rader) . My name is Sam William Harper (neƩ Morley). I am your average seveteen year old from the hustle and bustle of London. As you should know by the title I hope to write. As I write this I face jangling nerves as I attempt to write a series of short stories throughout 2010, which I am looking forward to and getting more and more nervous about. I will post updates on this literay blog. If I am brave enough and put my cowardly lion aside you will get to read one or two of the stories before I release them publicly (If I get a publisher which is very unlikely).

Now I should stop blogging and get on with some damned writing.

Speak Soon

Sam W. Harper